Monday, December 13, 2010

3rd times a charm...

This session was originally done with an indoor studio set up. (backdrops and flooring borrowed from Lisa D. Photography)
The first time around, was unsuccessful in producing any pictures. I thought maybe if we tried it at my clients house her little girl would be more in her comfort zone.

2nd attemp = no bueno.

3rd attempt. Amazing. I said, what we really need to do is go outside, let her just do her thing and snap away. Worked like a charm. I admire anyone who works in a studio. It is so out of my realm. I prefer outdoor, natural light, where the kids can run around and so their thing. Let me tell you it is not easy keeping a 20 month old in a 4 ft wide space while shooting indoors! As of NOW, don't think I will be doing any more indoor shoots. I am going to stick with what I know and what I love which is outdoors. Here are a few from yesterday. There are SO many cute ones!

These girls look familiar? ;)

1 comment:

Lisa D said...

Glad you finally got some good shots!! It's funny you mention how hard it is to keep them on the paper and yet I have a hard time keeping a kid contained outdoors!